Why provide a free platform to help the military community?
Service members and their families sacrifice so much to ensure our safety. This is the least we can do to give back.
What items should be posted on VetExchanges?
There are tens of millions of members in the Veteran community. These members have diverse needs and interests. So if you have a skill, service, or item that might help a Veteran, please consider posting.
Who can claim an item on this platform?
Anyone who has served in the Armed Services, Police, or Fire communities.
What do I gain from providing something they need?
There is a sense of pride that goes with helping a fellow Veteran or community service member. There is nothing better then helping another persona and impacting someone's life in a positive way.
What led to the creation of this platform?
Hundreds of wheelchairs and accessibility items continue to be recycled in Norwich Connecticut and other communities across the country. We have created a virtual process for people to easily help one another.